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We have been informed about an abandoned dog up on the mountains.. The dog had no food or water, no houses anywhere near. We drive there and tried to take her but she wouldn't approach . The area was very dangerous with cars passing by and the dog was running to the street to escape from us, or running up the mountain. Every day we had to drive there to feed her and get her to trust us. The days become weeks, weeks became months but she still refused to let us approach. We tried with a trap, still nothing.. Finally we decided to do it the hard way. And we did it! After a 3 month effort we managed to rescue her.. We took her to the vet where he removed a big awn from her ear, but other than that she was healthy. After a couple of weeks under our care she became a happy girl! And finally a forever home for her! Today she is a happy adopted dog and we couldn't be happier for her. For us she was the girl from the mountain.. For her family she is Cassia!!!
Hello, I am Ermioni, and together with Katerina and Fotini, I founded the Diasozo Animal Rescue in Karditsa, Greece. We are rescuing animals that are found abandoned, abused, mistreated and starving, and we are trying to offer them a better life. We are volunteers, and our only resources are donations. We depend on all of you, to help us offer our rescues the life they deserve, so we are grateful for any donation.
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or email me: ermionirescue@gmail.com
*HUGE THANKS to Tom Rawlings, Helen Vile, Jerry Wheatley and all our patrons!