
🤶Discover Some Christmas Idioms While We Learn English Speaking💜Ep 285

🤶Discover Some Christmas Idioms While We Learn English Speaking💜Ep 285 It’s nearly Christmas, and the UK is in full on **shopping frenzy**, it seems the commercial side of Christmas is bigger than ever. As we come to a close of 2019, we thought some English Christmas idioms might interest you while you learn English speaking.

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Learn English Speaking

It’s nearly Christmas, and the UK is in full on **shopping frenzy**, it seems the commercial side of Christmas is bigger than ever. As we come to a close of 2019, we thought some English Christmas idioms might interest you while you learn English speaking.
Note: Just in case you've not heard of [frenzy ]( it means "A temporary madness".

We’ve kept the list of idioms nice and short, just 3, there are so many more, but as usual to give you maximum value we’ve only picked the most common, and the most useful. Something you might use in an everyday English conversation.

As always, you will benefit most from this lesson if you listen to it several times. Repeat listening, spaced repeat listening, is important for getting new English vocabulary and pronunciation to stick in your long-term memory.

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