
Get Your Desired Amber Eyes • (Subliminal)

Get Your Desired Amber Eyes • (Subliminal) • AFFIRMATIONS are in the comments section, read them to know what is inclueded in this subliminal video and to know what does this video do.

• Listening to this subliminal audio will turn your eyes into amber ones, your desired amber color shade to be more specific.

• This is SO POWERFUL and PERMANENT. Please do not use this unless you're sure that you truelly want to make this decision. Be responsible for yourself, and always chose wisely.

• This video is full of many POWERFUL subliminal affirmations that your subconcious mind needs so that your whole body start changing.. You can't hear them well, but they go directly to your subconscious mind, and this later can hear everything so clear.

•This is UNISEX: For both, males and females.

• Listen daily and up to 6 times a day for maximum change. If you don't have enough time, the least you can listen per day is 2 times.

• Results speed depends on the person himself. Some start getting instant results, while it can take weeks to months for some other ones. The average time to get noticeable changes is between [20 days and 3 months.]

• You can also listen while doing other activities such as studying, watching TV, playing games..etc
.. and this will ALSO work while sleeping, because your subconscious mind doesn't sleep at all and always keeps working.


• BELIEVE it will happen! The more you believe, the faster and better it works. Neglect any negative voices, fears and doubts that try to make you down for they are just illusions. Your subconcious mind is the most powerful part of your whole body and it can absolutely change it to better.
• Drink water before listening. Water makes your brain neurons more acceptable to subliminal affirmations.
•Remind yourself that you DESERVE this better change and you deserve every good thing in life.
•Remind yourself of the POWER of your subconcious mind.
•Try meditating while listening and relax your brain and body.
•Listen to the BOOSTER one time before listening to this subliminal. it speeds the results. (you can find it in my channel)
•And the most important one, try to VISUALIZE the results. It will help a lot.

→ If you have any question, comment it down below and I'll make my best to answer all of the questions
→ If you want to request a subliminal video, please comment your request down below this video:

• Background Sounds: Water sounds that I recorded myself and I thought it's more satisfying than music. That's why I use them.
☼ Please let me know about your positive results in the comments section. It makes my day and encourages me to provide more.

Much respect to everyone.

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