

BRANDMARKS: OFTEN REFERRED TO AS LOGOS On this week’s episode of my Alexa Flash Briefing called The Brand Whisperer Briefing, I’m going to discuss brandmarks. Brandmarks are often referred as logos. Logo is the abbreviation for logotype, which is a type of brandmark. Your brandmark is the most important part of the brand identity because it is the key factor in visual differentiation and communication. When designing a brandmark, it’s important to think big picture and have your brand positioning strategy complete, because this will often be the first introduction of your brand to your target audience.

If you want to subscribe to The Brand Whisperer Briefing, here’s how to “Enable” my Alexa Flash Briefing:
1. Go to your Alexa App
2. Click on the lines in top left-hand corner of screen
3. Select “Skills and Games”
4. Click on magnifying glass icon in top right-hand corner of screen
5. Type the “The Brand Whisperer Briefing” then click return
6. Click on the “The Brand Whisperer Briefing” in search results
7. Click “Enable” on the “The Brand Whisperer Briefing” home screen
8. Ask Alexa “What’s my Flash Briefing” and she’ll play my briefing

You can also subscribe to The Brand Whisperer Briefing on iTunes and Spotify. When you subscribe send me a message and I’ll send you my Brand Positioning worksheet.

Brandmarks,Logos,The Brand Whisperer Briefing,Alexa Flash Briefing,Branding,Branding Tips,

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