Thank you Izzy Munoz for sending me this video.
Original video
Pro accountability.
To all those who think I hate cops, I don't. I'm pro good cop. I'm anti bad cop. I have several friends who are cops. I know we need police but not the kind we expose. We expose individuals and corrupt systems for all of your benefits and your kids benefits and their kids benefits. To help uncloud the minds of people and show you the reality of tyranny that people are subjective to everyday. To educate who ever wishes to learn what there rights are and how to stand up for them and prevent their rights from being violated. How to fight back instead of giving in like sheep. To quit letting these bad cops get the good cops killed. To quit letting police get away with murder. To quit extorting the very citizens who pay their salary. Remember, they are public servants. They work for us until a law has been broken.
Thank you for watching.
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