
3 Ways Of Working Smarter (Rather Than Harder) In Network Marketing

3 Ways Of Working Smarter (Rather Than Harder) In Network Marketing Working Smarter

Many network marketers end up failing and quitting the business. Most of the time it isn't because of a lack of trying. They are working hard but the aren't working smart so they end up frustrated because they aren't getting the results they are looking for.

There is a big difference between being busy and being productive.

Here are 3 ways that network marketers can work smarter, so that all of their hard work is more productive and they can get better results.

Heads up: If you want to know how to really step into someone's world then get the free audio download of “Network Marketing Questions That Work.” You’ll be able to steer the conversation and get the right prospects to chase you and WANT to know more details about your business.

1. Know Your Target Market

Working smarter starts with knowing who your ideal customers and business partners are. When your company leaders tell you that everyone is your prospect and everyone needs what you have, they are either mistaken or lying. As a result, too many network marketers spend too much time trying to sell to the wrong people.

Imagine trying to sell a product or service to a prospect. For this over simplified example you are selling steak. You tell your prospect why your steak tastes better and why it's more nutritious than all of the other steaks on the market but they aren't interested. But you keep trying to sell them, they keep saying no but you are persistent. Eventually, they say they will think about it. So, you follow up with them the next day but they aren't responding. You keep following up over the next couple of days or even weeks. You call, you leave messages, you text and when you finally reach them, you find out that they are vegetarian. You've wasted so much time because you haven't outlined your target market.

Some people would rather buy the $20 jar of vitamins that they can get at the drug store rather than pay more for the vitamins that you might be selling. It doesn't matter to them that yours are scientifically proven or invented by a Nobel Prize winning scientist. The same is true for face cream, energy drinks or any other product or service that you are selling.

Learn your target market and and sell to them. Trying to sell to someone that isn't part of your target market is hard work and is rarely productive.

2. See Who Is Open

A great way of finding out who your target market is to simply find out if they are open. Are they open to starting a business?

Are they open to your product or service?

Better yet, are they open to receiving the benefits of your product or service?

If they are open they are more likely to be part of your target market. If they aren't, then you don't want them on your team and you don't want them as a customer. Don't try to convince people that aren't part of your target market to buy or join. It's a waste of time, a waste of energy and a source of frustration. Work smart and let the wrong people go.

For some example of questions that can help you determine if your prospect is part of your target market, make sure to watch the video.

Pretty cool eh?

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Create A Great Day!

Kenny Santos

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P. S.

Ever Walk Away From That “Perfect Prospect” and Wish That You Knew What To Say? Get the free audio download of “Network Marketing Questions That Work.” You’ll be able to steer the conversation and get the right prospects to chase you and WANT to know more details about your business.

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