
How Many Hours Can I Work Being on Disability!?

How Many Hours Can I Work Being on Disability!? How Many Hours Can I Work Being on Disability!?

For most individuals who are applying for disability or actively receiving disability benefits, the number of hours worked is not necessarily what counts. The Social Security Administration generally judges whether a person is working too much (in other words, doing substantial gainful activity, or SGA) by considering how much money the person makes each month. The SGA level in 2019 is $1,220 per month. Hours are usually only counted against disability eligibility if the person in question is either self-employed or is the head of a corporation, LLC, or other business.

Generally, self-employed individuals may currently work up to 45 hours per month (about 10 hours per week) and still be eligible for disability benefits -- if they are not the only person working for the business and they aren't making substantial income. Yes, this is a complicated issue and must be discussed with someone who is experienced in these matters.

For related videos:

Appeal of Social Security Disability Claim.

Is It Possible To Collect Social Security Retirement and Disability at the Same Time?

What is the Ticket to Work Program?

What Happens to Social Security Disability Benefits after the Trial Work Period?

Many more Social Security videos:

#NombergLawFirm #SocialSecurityDisability #SubstantialGainfulActivity #UnfavorableDecision #Appeal #SGA #SSA #Benefits #SocialSecurityDisability #SSDI #DisabilityBenefits

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