
Castle Complements Painting Kitchen Cabinet Painting Dishwasher Masking

Castle Complements Painting Kitchen Cabinet Painting Dishwasher Masking We add more masking here in this kitchen we are about to paint.
The dishwasher is masked off.
We even open the dishwasher and seal the inner seal against the kitchen cabinets as preventative measures against over-spray.

Then seal the face of it with plastic. same goes for windows. everything has been sealed to the edge of the cabinetry. all of the counter tops have been sealed twice. once with plastic and another coat of rosin to protect the countertops.

The plastic is just in case we spill any chemicals when we de-grease the kitchen cabinets so it doesn’t bleed through the rosin paper and potentially effect the countertops. In this instance under the cabinets there are lights. so, you can see the lights have been masked.

The lights underside of the cabinet have been removed from and masked appropriately.

If we go over here to our right, same thing, 3 more lights have been removed and masked to get the underside of the cabinets painted.

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