Also, if you want to see how awful the Conspiracy palette really is, watch it after you watch the Mini Controversy palette review:
I can't believe people aren't mentioning all of this! I'm sure my palette can't be the only one like this!
Mini Controversy Palette Review Destroying Makeup Is Mini Controversy Palette Good Is Shane Dawson Eyeshadow Good (NO IT IS NOT) Jeffree Star x Shane Dawson Eyeshadow #MiniConspiracyPalette #TheBeautyGuruShow
The Beauty Guru Show,#TheBeautyGuruShow,shane dawson palette,mini controversy palette review,destroying mini controversy palette,destroying makeup,jeffree star cosmetics,mini controversy pallet,is shane dawson eyeshadow good,is mini controversy palette good,Conspiracy Palette,shane conspiracy palette,is conspiracy palette good,conspiracy palette review,jeffree star conspiracy palette,shane dawson conspiracy palette,shane dawson conspiracy eyeshadow,shane morphe,