Imagine that you are working in a trading company. you have a contract with an american company for the supply of a large batch of meat. your business partner from new york is calling on the issue of delivery delay of goods to russia. he explains you that the ship, which is to deliver the order needs urgent repairing.he asks to transfer the delivery 2 weeks later. however, you have already got an obligation, in accordance with which you just need to get your product intime or you will suffer a loss.answer the following question: 1. do you agree to change the delivery terms? 2. why is it so important to you not to change the terms? 3. is there a possibility to find the other ship? 4. is there a possibility to repair the ship? 5. should you refuse the services of the company and quickly find another supplier or better try to reduce the delay, or to find another ship? 6. do you have any other ideas? follow the instructions: - phone to the supplier company; - discuss the possibility of accelerating the delivery; - offer the possible scheme of action, from your point of view (for example a search of another vessel); - express confidence in the future cooperation between your companies.