
Enter the Spudnet: Are you safe on the web?

Enter the Spudnet: Are you safe on the web? Do you know that more than 8 billion user accounts have been leaked online? The scale of cyber attacks have reached an unprecedented scale of over 10 million cyber attacks per DAY. Yet over 93% of people are still unaware of this fact and remain victims to cyber crime.

Potato Pirates: Enter the Spudnet is a board game developed to bridge this gap in awareness to keep people safe online. It is the ultimate mish-mash of fun, education and computer networking. Get together in a team with anyone ages 10 and up and learn about computer networking and cybersecurity concepts - all with potatoes and no computers!

cybersecurity,networking,board game,tabletop,cyber awareness,cyber security,Internet safety,cyber attack,educational video,online safety,

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