
Building The Solid Foundation | September Energy Update

Building The Solid Foundation | September Energy Update Building The Solid Foundation | September Energy Update

#Foundation #SophiaConsciousness #EnergyUpdate

Sophia/Christ Consciousness exists within all... This force has been intentionally suppressed so that we are not in our divine essence and true power... We see it on a macro and micro level... This planetary body is veiled, and underneath this veil exists a humanity that is swimming in a lower density pool ruled by lower entities that grab onto anything they can to fulfill their agenda.  This traces back to the way the Anunnaki felt about the Ancient Ones – in desiring to create a slave race that would be ignorant to their own true origins. This mentality and system are known as Archons, which are the lower alien races such as Reptilians, Draconians and Greys and other beings that are either fallen entities from higher systems or the forces that the Demiurge.

Their lust for our powerlessness and blind faith is further exacerbated by the use of mind-control and micro-chips that do not allow individuals to access their inner voice and their connection to Source.

I am here to eradicate these programs upon your planet. I am a teacher of teacher's. A system buster, to universalize wakefulness creating harmony within diversity. Ascension is upon us. Way Showers, light workers, fellow leaders of light Its time to wake up and Unity!

I love you all.


Kendra Divine Purpose Mentor is a Spiritually Conscious Personal Growth & Transformation Mentor. She is an Author of the book Shadow To Light The Doorway To Enlightenment. Her purpose is to inspire wakefulness and cocreation on this planet. She uses her Extrasensory abilities to help people connect with their higher self and her tools learned through metaphysical anatomy healing to gracefully guide her clients in completing trauma cycles held within the body. She is a clear conscious channel bringing through spirit connections, and Multidimensional messages for her clients. Her vibration will catalyst your growth and expansion.

She is a Personal Guide for helping you master living authentically, healing from your past trauma, shes facilitates integration of the fractured aspects of self and finding your divine life purpose.

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My name is Kendra and I'm The Divine Purpose Mentor, Spiritual Teacher, and Metaphysician.

Are you tired of living a mediocre unfulfilling life?

Are you struggling to get out of bed feeling like every new day is like your living groundhog day?

Are you having trouble in relationships and really wanting to just connect deeply with someone but your losing hope that it exists for you?

A different job... a different spouse... Being able to drink

more... Eat more... Going on more vacations....

Most of us think a better life is about creating something

different in our life. But how many times have you changed

the THINGS in your life and found that life wasn't better...

it was just DIFFERENT.

That's because having a better life-one that makes you

excited about waking up every single day-doesn't start by

changing what's around you. Having a better life starts with

having better EMOTIONS.

I know that I can help you heal and live a purposeful life. Contact me to capitalize on this amazing energy we have available to us at this time to heal and clear the negative imprints at a core level.

Join me on Patreon:

Email me to set up a session:

Or visit my website

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KEYWORDS: #CrystallineLightCodes, #Ascension, Conscious Connections Council, #StarSeeds, Spiritual Awakening,

Venus DivineGoddessHealing, FullMoon, Mother, Relationships, Lightworkers, Archetype, Arcturian, Healing, Lifepathpotential, breathing, ShadowToLight, Dance Channel, Lightlanguage,

akashic records, animism, atheism, asceticism, Belief, blessing, blessings, Buddhism, Catholicism, chakra, chakras, chant, channel, channels, channeling, creation, #consciousness, connections contemplation, cosmogony, destiny, deism, deity, dhammapa


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