
Parkinson's disease, emotional involvement, coping strategy - Rene van Helsdingen

Parkinson's disease, emotional involvement, coping strategy - Rene van Helsdingen Parkinson's disease, emotional involvement, coping strategy
A Film/ Documentary by Rene van Helsdingen’
I am a jazz musician, who loves playing piano. Music is my life. Improvised music with emotional content and rhythm. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in August 2018. No red flags. Tremor predominant in right hand, and less in right arm and right leg'
With this video presentation I want to share how Parkinson's affects my piano playing and how I think I can minimize the tremor by reducing brain activities.

I was inspired to make this film/documentary by Dr. Rick Helmich, who asked me to visualize ‘how emotional involvement influences the tremor’.
Rick Helmich is a neurologist and researcher at the Donders Institute of the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen. In his work, he tries to understand which brain mechanisms are involved in Parkinson's tremor, and how stress and mental effort influence motor symptoms (including tremor) in Parkinson's disease. See also

Helsdingen Music production 2019. Sound tracks featuring pianist Rene van Helsdingen - solo and trio -: Recordings with on bass: Essiet Okon Essiet, Jos Machtel, Henry -the skipper- Franklin, Jeffrey Tahalele, Brian Batie, Giacomo Dominici, and on drums: Marcello Pellitteri, Donald Dean, Henk Zomer, Benny Mustafa van Diest, Rodney Mecks and Ivan Gambini. For info:

track list:
Introduction - "display"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Essiet Okon Essiet – bass, Marcello Pellitteri - drums camera: Martijn van Beenen, photography: Christophe Agou
Diagnosis - "Loop"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Giacomo Dominici – bass, Ivan Gambini - drums
Understanding - "loop"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Jos Machtel – bass, Henk Zomer - drums camera: Martijn van Beenen, assistant camera: Manouk Moreau
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Henry-the skipper-Franklin – bass, Donald Dean - drums
Emotional involvement - "Africa"
Africa Brass , John Coltrane quartet
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Jeffrey Tahalele – bass, Benny Mustafa van Diest - drums
Two audiences - "the train"
Rene van Helsdingen - piano
"the owl dances"
Rene van Helsdingen - piano camera: Martijn van Beenen, photography: Christophe Agou
Split second brain activity - "good morning,"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Essiet Okon Essiet – bass, Marcello Pellitteri - drums camera: Martijn van Beenen, photography: Christophe Agou
My model - "lines"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Jos Machtel – bass, Henk Zomer - drums
Banks and toolboxes - "the owl, la civetta"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Essiet Okon Essiet – bass, Marcello Pellitteri - drums
Reading music - "group of eight"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Giacomo Dominici – bass, Ivan Gambini - drums
The other musician - "loop for drums"
Rene van Helsdingen – piano, Jos Machtel – bass, Henk Zomer - drums camera: Martijn van Beenen, assistant camera: Manouk Moreau
Presentation and ego - "little girl, introduction"
Rene van Helsdingen - piano camera: Martijn van Beenen, photography: Christophe Agou.
External facts/ creativity - "sketch"
Rene van Helsdingen - piano, Essiet Okon Essiet – bass, Marcello Pellitteri - drums camera: Martijn van Beenen, photography: Christophe Agou
Titles "alcohol" (I’ve got this problem with my brain)
Rene van Helsdingen – keyboards, Brian Batie – bass, Rodney Mecks - drums
Documentation and editing: Rene van Helsdingen. 'special thanks for discussing' to: Dr. Mathias Vogel, neuro phonetician all music composed by Rene van Helsdingen except for: Africa, Africa brass - John Coltrane Quartet

parkinsons disease,parkinson's,tremor,coping with parkinson's,improvisation,piano jazz,Rene van Helsdingen,Marcello Pellitteri,Essiet Okon Essiet,Jos Machtel,Henk Zomer,Jeffrey Tahalele,Benny Mustafa van Diest,Giacomo Dominici,Ivan Gambini,Brian Batie,Rodney Mecks,parkinson,Rick Helmich,

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