
Overall July Message-Know your worth & Follow your heart!❤️-& Anytime Message!

Overall July Message-Know your worth & Follow your heart!❤️-& Anytime Message! This is the overall message for July & now on! I got this message for July monthly but it is for always now! , with the special message received instead of the usual reading of the cards is Know Your Worth and Follow your heart! ❤️
If you find this video not around July still drink in this is meant for then too...its for always!
I will probably be watching and reading this many many times whenever I need to be reminded of it ! :)

Special Message- Know Your Worth and Follow your heart! ❤️
They are actually telling me to write this everywhere! If you haven’t seen my “walk on to your own heartbeat..follow your heart”..or the “overall summer reading/energy of door to value opening” do so,
This is incredible and amazing and on deep levels! These are not flimsy sayings right now! We have been to hell and back to get here! We have let go and released and healed so much..and for’s this! We cleansed all out and healed so we can know our worth ..on deep levels..what we deserve..what we deserve to do for ourselves..and it’s deep..that’s deep..because when you truly believe and know your worth you are already at the starting point. ..yes you are truly coming from the true starting point ..and then you combine that with truly following your heart...and it’s this combination..this combined energy..these two things that are opening it all up can walk on and forward and do things now that truly reflect your worth and your heart..that’s true abundance in sight with this combo now! It took tremendous honesty truth and clearing and healing to get to this point...
And now doors of value are opening are going for and doing things that show you know your worth and following your heart..that’s the stuff you want your life to be made of isn’t it?’
Truly! Deeply...yes!
And we are saying yes! And that’s where we are now..and that is what the times are made of now..and that’s why we are following our hearts this time knowing our worth and the universe is not only pushing us to this deep healing and knowing it wants us to succeed in this..helping and guiding along the way..because it doesn’t just help helps everybody...
Know your worth! And Follow Your Heart! ❤️
Feel the love..tremendous love is here for you always as you go...
But this time not just feel it around you...but from within you!
Yes within you!
Know your worth..follow your means everything right now!
It’s the most valuable commodities no matter what anyone says..
And this month and going forward you will truly feel the absolute value the incomparable value of that..and all that it brings to you!
It was not something that could just be was something you had to live to know the value..the true value..the truest value..and now you do! Now you do! :)

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