
LPS: Imperical Chronicles, Chapter 1: Misplaced, Episode 1: Prophecies and Dimensions

LPS: Imperical Chronicles, Chapter 1: Misplaced, Episode 1: Prophecies and Dimensions This is the first installment of the Imperical(yes I know it’s not a word😅) Chronicles. I know my acting sucks, and the story is unorganized, and my editing is bad but, still, hope you enjoy.

Summary: Titus lives in a world full of magic with his sister Scarlett(they are adopted in case you are wondering). The only problem- he is 15 and still can’t perform a simple spell.

In this episode, Titus finds out exactly why when he crosses into a different dimension and meets Gallas and Raimie.

#lps #LPS,#lps revelation,

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