
Food Allergy, Troy Michigan

Food Allergy, Troy Michigan Food Allergy, Troy Michigan

In my clinic we have a saying…"We Don’t Guess...We FOOD TEST!" The Proof is in the Report!

Before we dive too deep, there is an important thing you MUST understand! You must understand the difference between Food Allergy & Food Sensitivity.

Food Allergy:

A food allergy is an exaggerated immune response triggered by eggs, peanuts, milk, or some other specific food.

Food Sensitivity / Intolerance:

Food intolerance or non-allergic food hypersensitivity is a term used widely for varied physiological responses associated with a particular food, or compound found in a range of foods.

It’s important to recognize the difference. We test for the DELAYED sensitivity response…not the immediate response. With the immediate allergic response, these patients generally carry an EpiPen. This is NOT what we’re testing. We’re testing the 10-12 hour...sometimes up to 72 hour immune response that patients cannot figure out on their own!

What Is A Food Sensitivity?
A food sensitivity or a food intolerance is caused by an inability to digest a food and occurs in the digestive tract and not the bloodstream, like a food allergy. Symptoms are “delayed onset”, where symptoms do not appear for hours or even days. Food sensitivities are not fixed, and can come and go during the course of one’s life.

Strangely, people often crave foods to which they are sensitive to. Some researchers suggest that our bodies can become addicted to the chemical messengers, such as histamine or cortisol, which are secreted by immune cells in response to allergens in the body. The body may experience a soothing response from the presence of the chemical messengers, increasing the desire to eat more of that food.

Note that food sensitivities and allergies can change every year. Just because you’re diagnosed with a food sensitivity or allergy one year does not mean it will hold true for the rest of your life. This is why we encourage our patients to get tested at least once a year.

What Are Some Symptoms Of A Food Sensitivity?
Gas / Bloating
Weight Loss Resistance
Thyroid Dysfunction
Chronic Pain / Inflammation
Stomach ache
Acid Reflux/GERD
Blood in the stool
Chronic pain/Arthritis
Dark circles under the eyes
Anxiety / Depression
Sinus problems

What's The Next Step?
If you think you may be sensitive to certain foods, the best thing to do is to simply test. It's a simple finger prick done in under 3 minutes. Remember, we’re testing the delayed immune response / reaction and this makes any sort of elimination diet next to impossible. Call our clinic to today to set up a consultation with Dr. Farkas and to see if food sensitivity testing may be right for you.
Remember - We Help Patients From All Across Troy, Michigan Get Food Tested!
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Food Sensitivity Testing Auburn Hills, MI

#foodsensitivity #foodallergy #troymichigan

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