
Non Needy - Stop Being Desperate, Clingy and Dependent - Subliminal Affirmations

Non Needy - Stop Being Desperate, Clingy and Dependent - Subliminal Affirmations How To Record Your Own Subliminal Messages (Free Report) ➤➤
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Experience full abundance and complete freedom from worry and attachment to outcome. Visualize a free flowing of abundance coming into your life.

Headphones Recommended. To begin with listen at least 3 times everyday until your behavior generates the results you want.

1) Visualize what you want
2) Focus on the picture in your mind rather than the sounds
3) Journal daily and watch for evidence of success


Subliminal Messages (Affirmations):
Non Needy - Stop Being Desperate, Clingy and Dependent - Silent Subliminal

I am well taken care of

Everything that my heart desires I have

All my needs are taken care of 

I release all feelings of neediness

I have all that I want

I am overflowing with abundance 

I ask and it is given to me 

I knock and doors are open 

I have a variety of opportunities in my life

I am thankful for all that I have

I release all feelings of lack

Nothing is out of my reach

Universal love pulsates throughout my body

I give freely to others 

I love to give

When I give I receive tenfold 

People are appreciative of my kindness 

I already have the life I want

Everything I desire is inside of me 

The universe conspires in my favor 

I am secure

I am always protected 

I am overflowing with joy everyday of my life

I uplift souls whenever I'm in the room

I contain all the talents that I desire inside of me 

I serve others with all the abundance I have

I keep on receiving prosperity more and more everyday 

I am a cheerful giver

I have an abundance of sexual partners to choose from

I have an abundance of energy flowing freely in body everyday

I have all the tools to conquer any obstacle 

I rest easily at night

Mother Earth provides me  with energy to support my life

I am grateful to Mother Earth 

I trust my intuition 

My body works to help me  receive more abundance 

My sexual needs are taken care of

I know that all my needs are taken care of

Whatever my mind conceives it can achieve

I release all fear of giving

I release all fear of loss

Because of my abundance I can achieve anything I want 

You are well taken care of

Everything that your heart desires You have

All your needs are taken care of 

You release all feelings of neediness

You have all that You want

You are overflowing with abundance 

You ask and it is given to you 

You knock and doors are open 

You have a variety of opportunities in your life

You are thankful for all that You have

You release all feelings of lack

Nothing is out of your reach

Universal love pulsates throughout your body

You give freely to others

You love to give

When You give You receive tenfold 

People are appreciative of your kindness 

You already have the life You want

Everything You desire is inside of you 

The universe conspires in your favor 

You are secure

You are always protected 

You are overflowing with joy everyday of your life

You uplift souls whenever you’re in the room

You contain all the talents that You desire inside of you 

You serve others with all the abundance You have

You keep on receiving prosperity more and more everyday 

You are a cheerful giver

You have an abundance of sexual partners to choose from

You have an abundance of energy flowing freely in body everyday

You have all the tools to conquer any obstacle 

You rest easily at night

Mother Earth provides you  with energy to support your life

You are grateful to Mother Earth 

You trust your intuition 

Your body works to help you receive more abundance 

Your sexual needs are taken care of

You know that all your needs are taken care of

Whatever your mind conceives it can achieve

You release all fear of giving

You release all fear of loss

Because of your abundance You can achieve anything You want 

This is a remake of George Hutton's Subliminal.

A Subliminal Shinobi Production.

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