
DevOps - Building High-performance Digital Organisations

DevOps - Building High-performance Digital Organisations In this webinar Rik will introduce the core ingredients needed to create what he calls a high performance digital organization. These ingredients are derived from good practices in industry and also derived from the principles, vision and competence framework of the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA), that he co-created. In addition he will share the highlights of the DevOps transformation journey of Transavia, where he is currently the CIO. Transavia, being the number 1 low cost airline in the Netherlands, has started a few years ago with a journey to become an organization that not only can cope with, but also benefits from change. In the highly competitive landscape with competing (ultra-)low cost carriers it is crucial to be able to create an environment in which employees can quickly learn new skills and adapt to changing circumstances. The operating model of Transavia is based on holacracy and key practices adopted are Agile, Lean, and Lean Startup. To further increase the quality and speed of IT delivery, this year DevOps principles and practices have been added to the mix, in order to create a culture of high-performance, such as the concept of end-to-end responsible teams, ownership, a performance mindset, and talent management.

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Rik Farenhorst
Rik has approx. 15 years of experience in the IT domain and has built a rich leadership, management, consultancy and academic track record. His core skill is to create and innovate, while leading and growing high-performance teams and organizations. His main passion is helping organizations to survive in this digital era, i.e. help them accelerate and improve by smartly leveraging new IT capabilities. He likes to challenge the status quo, and has a strong vision and hands-on experience in many of the leading paradigms that constitute digital transformations (e.g. Agile, DevOps, Enterprise Architecture, Cloud).

Rik is CIO of Transavia -- the Dutch low-cost airline that makes low-cost feel good. There is drives the digital transformation agenda and cultural change required to create as much value with IT as possible for both Transavia's passengers and its employees. In addition, Rik is chairman of the DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) Enterprise Leadership Forum. This forum is a platform that fosters knowledge sharing and awareness on Agile and DevOps among executives from the global community, as well as from practitioners, consultants, thought Leaders, and industry experts.


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