It's just funny.
The team at House House are a breath of fresh air in the gaming industry in that they're not afraid of talking about politics. Let's face it: politics are in all games to one degree or another; the difference is simply that House House are willing to actually talk about it, and go so far as to come up with a weird alternate political history for their game!
We imagine the comments section for this video will be...interesting...but we don't really mind. We actually had a lot of fun making this video, and after a few missteps in a row, it's been nice to make something we enjoy.
Thank you so much for all your kind words about our decision to pull our video about the disappearing Sonic movie interview - we're looking into perhaps returning to this subject in the near future, as an exploration of how fake news travels across the internet.
In the meantime, here's hoping that you enjoy this video, and that you have fun with it rather than taking it too seriously. We've deliberately kept our own political opinions out of this video and attempted to portray the facts, quoting directly from House House without commentary. That said, we're not exactly coy about our own political leanings on Facebook, so make of that what you will.
Anyway, here's hoping you enjoy this one! We'll see you again very soon!
BretonStripes ( and Kotor (
Incidental music: