Welcome back to Truly Bedrock!
Today we head to TNC Cuban's place to sell him all that lava we've been collecting and check out his gold farm.
Then I show off the new mini-shop I made on stream - one to sell bee nests! Except, it's sold out already...
So I try go breed up more bees to sell some hives...
Hurray for the Buzzy Bees update! SO MUCH CUTE! SO MUCH BUZZING!
Plus, keep a look out in my Discord and Patreon for some exciting news being announced December 15th...
Special thanks to two of my fans for the teddy bear totem design and resource pack!
Recoded Zaphod
Who did a design for Java to begin with, after I'd been dilly-dallying for months
and NuclearShadowYT
Who refined the design and made it into a Bedrock resource pack!
If you'd like to download the Bedrock .mcpack file, here it is:
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Find out more about the Truly Bedrock Realm:
TB Discord:
Truly Bedrock Members:
BluJay -
bjaydubya -
DaphneElaine -
db8035 -
Ecko Soldier -
FoxyNoTail -
GruvaGuy -
Jessiie -
Killa Drone -
Lyarrah -
Prowl -
Rogue Fox -
silentwisperer -
SlackLizard -
Tizztom -
TNC Cuban -
Zap 113 -
ZloyXP -
Op and Ed from King Oseaun
Girl from Petaluma by Cocktail Shakers
Meteor shower stock footage
#TrulyBedrock #BuzzyBees #Minecraft