#StarWars #TheRiseOfSkywalker #PlotLeaks
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If you've been keeping up to date with the channel then you'll know that a couple of days ago we released a 21 minute video that went through a full movie breakdown of The Rise Of Skywalker.
It covered pretty much everything in the movie from scene to scene and though I always try and tell people to take leaks like that with a pinch of salt it looks like we've just had a brand new scene drop directly from Disney that pretty much confirms that what's in the leaks is true.
The new teaser that was released yesterday shows pretty much the entire opening of the movie and it looks like the leaks got absolutely everything right even down to the colour of space in it.
What we're gonna do in this video is take the segment from my leaks breakdown and play it alongside the new clip to show you how it lines up with it in pretty much every way.
Obviously there will be heavy spoilers here so if you don't want anything about the movie ruined then I highly suggest that you turn off now.
With that out the way I just wanna give a huge thank you for clicking this video now let's play the clip with my original audio.
Now what this confirms to me is that yep, the leaks were true as this was a scene that has been talked about I’d say for about a month now.
It lines up pretty much exactly with it and yeah I don’t think anyone can argue with it though I’m sure JJ and Kathleen Kennedy are smashing the dislike button right now.
What this also does is confirm that the plot leak has a lot of accuracy to it and when you line it up with the other major clip that we’ve got which is the speederbike chase then yeah it looks like it’s true,
Now, this actually makes me slightly worried for the movie as normally studios only release major clips and scenes like this when they’re worried too.
I’ve actually had a couple of close friends who already had pre-booked tickets to the film on opening night that have ended up selling theirs after hearing the leaks and it kinda feels like everything is up in the air at the moment with regards to Star Wars and it’s unclear what’s gonna happen with this movie.
Personally I do think that it will do well at the box office because it’s a closing of the trilogy however I think that reaction to the film will be widely negative and this will cause issues for the IP with the box office not reaching the full amount that Disney are really hoping for.
If that’s the case then I think most likely that Kathleen Kennedy’s head will be on the chopping block as, you know, it’s her job to make Star Wars one of Disney’s biggest franchises.
Whilst it still is, even if it underperforms I can see the team at Disney looking to oust her from her position and perhaps even put someone else in place.
Now is Star Wars bad across the board, absolutely not and I The Mandalorian is one of my favourite TV shows of the year, Jedi: Fallen Order was also brilliant so there is definitely goodwill for the franchise in terms of properties.
However, it just seems like the movie side is failing massively with Solo barely making it’s money back, The Last Jedi and now what could be The Rise Of Skywalker.
I don’t really see how you can put the blame at anyone elses feet, maybe JJ because he shouldn’t have left after the first movie. It was kinda like when Brian Singer went off to direct Superman Returns instead of doing a third X-men movie and look what happened there.
Either way it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens next week.
I have tickets for the wednesday midnight showing so I’ll be keeping everyone up to date with how the...
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