
RDU to Block Umstead State Park Access and Sever Greenway Trail

RDU to Block Umstead State Park Access and Sever Greenway Trail RDU Airport and Umstead State Park are both critical resources for our region. They have been neighbors since the 1930's. For most of that time the buffer and boundaries around the park have been treated with the respect they deserve.

But many consider recent actions by RDU as aggressive and hostile towards their park neighbor.

First came the controversial decision in March 2019 when RDU signed an agreement with Wake Stone to mine a new quarry pit directly on the park border. (See MOVIE 400 FEET DOWN: ) And now in December, RDU put into motion plans for extensive tree clearing and chain link fencing along their border with the park.

RDU has already put the fence project out to bid, with detailed technical specs, without even working with the party that will be most affected: Umstead State Park. The rapid timeline calls for construction beginning in January 2020. This is simply disrespectful and in bad form.

Under RDUs plan, visitors to the park will be greeted with 8' tall chain link fence topped by barbed wire as they approach the park. And if the fence alone wasn't bad enough, RDU plans to clear a 30' wide path (15' to either side of the fence). This will totally destroy the natural beauty of the Western edge of Umstead State Park. The fence plan even calls for severing the Old Reedy Creek multi-use trail (one of the most used corridors in the park - connecting the park to Lake Crabtree County Park, and the Cary and Morrisville greenways).

This not how smart communities treat their prized assets. Why does RDU act with such disrespect and aggression towards our regions most heavily used recreational asset?

Would neighbors of other parks build an unsightly chain link fence around the border of Raleigh's Dix Park, or Cary's Bond Park? Why do it to our most iconic, most valuable park?

This also begs the question, why is the border like it is? Why does RDU control this odd section of land that protrudes around the southwest corner of the park, and across a major recreational greenway corridor?

This land was not always controlled by RDU. These parcels were acquired through condemnation (and threat of condemnation) in the 1970's as RDU prepared to build a new East-West runway. This runway was never built, due to the detrimental impact it would have on the park. The airport is now left with surplus land, not needed for any aeronautical purpose. There is a better alternative - make this surplus airport land an addition to Umstead State Park, as has been advocated for by NC State Parks, and several local and state leaders.

Let’s choose a path our community can be proud of. One that invests in preserving our prized quality of life and the economic competitiveness of our region, instead of destroying these priceless natural assets.

Videographer-Matt Thompson
Music-Kiah Wells "Easy to Listen"
Video Editor-Charlie Morris (The Video Slab)

For links to the RFP for the fence work:

Contact your elected officials and the Governor: (Governor Roy Cooper) (Wake County Commissioners) (Raleigh City Council) (Durham County Commissioners) (Durham City Council) (Cary Town Council) (Morrisville Town Council)

Tell them you are opposed to the proposed RDU fence along Umstead State Park's boundary and the rock quarry on the Odd Fellows tract next to Umstead State Park and ask them to actively join the fight to protect our public lands.


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