
Is Your Community Prepared for What's Coming? | G Edward Griffin (CLASSIC RE-RELEASE)

Is Your Community Prepared for What's Coming? | G Edward Griffin (CLASSIC RE-RELEASE) THIS IS A CLASSIC RE-RELEASE of one of our original interviews, examining the role of preparedness-minded families in our communities. (Originally published 3/13/2015)

IN THIS PART 2 of 2:
- Characteristics of a well prepared community: (families well-stocked with life necessities, local food production, rich network of community relationships between local food producers/skills, families more able to protect themselves, etc.)
- More Self-reliance, resilience to potential disasters (natural or man-made)
- Less likely to suffer riots / looting / lawlessness / unrest / violent crime?
- Less likely to Exhibit casualties from desperate humanitarian crises - starvation, etc?
- Less dependent on centralized aid? (Warning!: Major conflict of interest risk here for those in power!)
- Go-Local movement: keeping more of the abundance created in the local community rather than siphoning off centralized corporate profits to shareholders?

G. Edward Griffin, widely recognized expert on the Federal Reserve, scans America's astonishing journey as the greatest nation the world has ever seen, and our trajectory that is hurtling us from independence and self-reliance into dependency under the heel of a police state, until we reach the awakening that to be free we must be prepared and self-reliant.

Griffin claims that we, like mice entering a trap, have been tricked by predators in government to go after the bait of government giveaways, and are falling under tyranny, unless we take action while we still have a chance to reclaim our liberty.

Watch Part 1 of 2:
Can We Really End the Fed? | G Edward Griffin (CLASSIC RE-RELEASE)

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