
Fellowship Is A Sacred Thing by Allen Picklesimer

Fellowship Is A Sacred Thing by Allen Picklesimer FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD was one of the richest privileges of unfallen man. The Lord God walked in the garden and talked with Adam as a man talketh with his friend. So long as he was willing and obedient, Adam ate the fat of the land, and among the rich dainties and "wines on the lees well refined," of which his soul was a partaker, we must number first and foremost, unbroken communion with God, his Father and his Friend. Sin, as it banished man from Eden, banished man from God, and from that time our face has been turned from the Most High, and his face has been turned from us;-we have hated God, and God has been angry with us every day. Christ came into the world to restore to us our lost patrimony. It was the great object of his wondrous sacrifice to put us into a position which should be equal and even superior to that which we occupied in Adam before the fall, and as he has already restored to us many things that we lost, so among the rest-fellowship with God. They who have by his grace believed, and have by the precious blood been washed, have peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord, they are "no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints and of the household of God," and they have access with boldness into this grace wherein we stand. So they who are in the kingdom, and under the dispensation of the second Adam, have restored to them in all its fullness that fellowship which was lost to them by the sin and disobedience of their first federal head.

God (Deity),Holy Spirit (Deity),Holy Ghost (Deity),Jesus Christ (Deity),Religion (TV Genre),Religion (Literary Genre),New Testament (Religious Text),Old Testament (Religious Text),Christianity (Religion),Pentecostalism (Religion),Apostolic (Religion),christianity (religion),monotheism (belief),religion (tv genre),Oneness Pentecostalism (Religion),the bible (religious text),salvation (belief),believer's baptism (religious practice),

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