
Don’t feel bad about outgrowing the people who had the chance to grow with you

Don’t feel bad about outgrowing the people who had the chance to grow with you I got this quote "Don’t feel bad about outgrowing the people who had the chance to grow with you” from a Mel Robbins post on instagram a little while back that really resonated with me because back then, I was in a place in my life where I had to make the very tough decision of letting go of a person who had been in my life for a very long time and who I thought was a “lifetime” person only to realize he was a “season” person. .

At first I was disappointed and angry because I really wanted this person to be a “lifetime “ person but then I realized that I do not have jurisdiction over what other people decide to do with their respective journey. What growth looks like for me may look different for someone else and that’s OK. What I see possible for someone may not be what they see possible for themselves and that’s OK. .

The only person I have the right to focus on is myself. That realization has been my greatest source of power this year. Try it for yourself.


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