
Trick to reduce underpayment penalty with an S Corp for not making estimated tax payments

Trick to reduce underpayment penalty with an S Corp for not making estimated tax payments This is a video about how to reduce underpayment penalties or even eliminate underpayment penalties if you are operating as an S Corp and have not been making estimated tax payments or have not made enough estimated tax payments.

If you have an S Corporation and you are running a salary on yourself, which you should be, then this trick can help you save on taxes by reducing your penalty by sending in your tax deposits or more of your tax deposits through your salary through your W-2, rather than making late estimated tax payments.

This is a much more advanced and complex tax topic relevant to S Corps running a salary. So if you are interested in S Corp taxes or interested on how to save on taxes by reducing your penalties for failure to make timely estimated tax payments, then I invite you to watch this video.

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S Corp Taxes,S Corporation taxes,underpayment penalties,underpayment penalty,reduce underpayment penalty,eliminate underpayment penalty,S Corp tax tricks,S-Corp taxes,S Corp payroll,S Corp salary,underpayment penalty estimated tax payments,estimated taxes,underpayment estimated taxes,estimated tax,estimated tax penalty,

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