Here are the tips I can share about my experiences in backpacking. Two to three weeks of journey if you are traveling to a warm country.
1. 40 liter backpack
2.walking shoes and a pair of slippers
3.Ten pieces of shirts or blouses you can decide.
4.Five to seven pieces of lower clothings ( shorts, pants, skirts or leggings)
5.Underwear/ swim wear
6. Eye wear /Shades
7.Sunscreen lotion small portions 100ml/ mosquito bite spray or lotion.
8.Toiletries bag small portions 50-100 ml.
9.Passports/ Ticket bookings/ID Hotel bookings
10. Visa if ever you needed one.
11.Wallet extra cash for in case of emergencies.
12. Be vigilant research first before you go to your destination.