Here are the names of all the artists, in order of appearance:
gagadesign (Nevermind)
boxofwolves (Bruce)
Leonardo_araujo (Supertramp)
lannyhoang (NWA)
dvincentgomez (Purple Rain)
lizardsalt (Elvis)
viz_a_viz (Blondie)
Jetzon (Bowie)
trippiesteff (Sgt. Peppers)
Georgefairbairn (Velvet)
melinarobledo (DSOTM)
tonymidi (Unknown Pleasures)
Hey everybody! Thank you for watching this video, I worked really hard on it. It was awesome collaborating with Fiverr and I'm proud to help showcase all of these amazing artists. Be sure to check them out on their websites/instagrams/etc. I linked whatever names/accounts they sent Fiverr when they submitted their pieces, so hopefully you can find whoever you want to find. Thanks again!
Album Covers // Iconic // Ever // Best // All-Time // Artwork // Music