#MoveU #FixYoShit #ComeBackStronger
Tennis elbow? Golfer’s elbow? Carpal tunnel? Wrist or elbow pain? Tendonitis? Get to work strengthening with isometric exercises. See how he’s not moving his arms? He’s just resisting movement. This is isometric. Strengthening without moving. It can be a great way to strengthen without irritating inflamed tissues.
In the flexion image, you can see that he is strengthening the muscles that create flexion by resisting extension. He has the kettlebell handle in his hand and is using muscles to prevent the wrist from bending and extending.
In the extension image, it’s a little more difficult to see but the weight is actually on the top of his hand, not the palm. So he’s strengthening the muscles that create extension by avoiding flexion of the wrist.
In the rotation image, he’s resisting movement by using the muscles that create rotation in the forearm and wrist. He’s resisting rotation- similar to an anti-rotation exercise like a Palloff press.
Don’t have a weight or a fancy stick? You can do this by applying pressure with your other hand. It doesn’t require a lot of weight or force to strengthen like this. You can also use random items around your home or office to strengthen like this. Be creative! If you really want the objects we use you can find them at MoveU.com/favorites.
Once you are doing well with the isometric strengthening you can move into eccentric strengthening. After a couple of weeks of isometrics, you may be ready to progress. Lastly, you would progress into concentric movements to build even more strength. Stretches and massages may offer relief but nothing we’ve seen creates long-term changes like strengthening. Get to work!
Written by Katie Goss @MoveUKatie
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