
Red Dead Redemption 2 - PC - RTX 2080 Super - 9700k - benchmark - *MORE REASONABLE SETTINGS EDITION*

Red Dead Redemption 2 - PC - RTX 2080 Super - 9700k - benchmark - *MORE REASONABLE SETTINGS EDITION* People are freaking out over bad performance for no good reason. Here, I have lowered every setting except for textures by 1 value. ultra to high, and then in advanced, high to medium.

This alone has brought the average up to 100fps from 60fps.

Once we know what setting is tanking framerates for no real visual gain, this game is probably 120fps+ easy and I can just about guarantee it would still be visually superior to the console versions. (KEEP IN MIND CONSOLES RAN AT 30 FPS ON A GOOD DAY)

remember, even on low, this game probably still looks great and it would probably do 144fps+ locked at that point - too lazy to check tho!

rtx 2080 super,red dead redemption 2,pc,benchmark,9700k,

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