
Protect Yourself!!! How to not fall victim to GROOMING & Abuse (Part 2|2)

Protect Yourself!!!  How to not fall victim to GROOMING & Abuse (Part 2|2) Protect Yourself!!! How to not fall victim to GROOMING & Abuse (Part 2/2)

For part 1: Are you being groomed for abuse QUIZ! 13 Signs for an Autistic to Watch for (Part 1/2)

130 warning signs of narcissism and toxic people - most complete list on Youtube 2019!

Early warning signs of an abuser quiz - does your partner match the profile of an abusive person?

Aggression in relationships - abuse or appropriate?

9 psychological forms of manipulation that you may be unaware of 2019

The Role of Oxytocin in the Pathogenesis of Stockholm Syndrome and Other Abuse Cycles

Clinginess!!! What the HECK it actually means - WARNING!!! BE WARE!


Discover the Energy Vampires in Your Life NOW! 60 Question Energy Vampire Quiz...

Should I leave my relationship? One simple question to make it clear what you should do!

Two questions to decide: Should you end your marriage / relationship or try harder?

Enabling and Codependency - Which Side of the Fence do YOU sit on?

#warningsignsgrooming #groomingforabuse #signsofgrooming
Essential links for personal discovery of autism:

Here is the link to the aspie quiz:

8 Signs That Tell ALL! How to Spot an Adult with ASD!

Aspergers Quiz / Aspergers Test! What is Aspergers Syndrome and do you have it?

Am I Masking? 30 Autistic Masking Questions Quiz - Find out if you are /masking now!

How to Spot ASPERGERS Now! 5 top signs to watch for that you must know!

Word of WARNING for ANYONE looking to get a late diagnosis of AUTISM or aspergers!

If These 7 Things Make YOU Really gutsick - you may Actually be AUTISTIC!

Am I autistic test! 9 Communication Styles That Confuse the LIFE out of Autistic People!

Simple 1 question Aspie test / Aspie quiz! Best 2018 YouTube Aspergers syndrome test online!

Think you Might be Autistic? Keep Quiet and Show Them This INSTEAD!

So what does it feel like to be autistic?

4 Hilarious signs you are talking to an autistic :P

Are you a "Primal Autistic" Quiz! Were you called a feral child? Take this Aspie Test!

Are YOU Thinking you may be Autistic? 5 Things you MUST KNOW RIGHT NOW!

How to know if you are an aspie in one simple question!

What you MUST know now about ADULT & late diagnosis in AUTISM and aspergers!

My name is Carol, I am an Autistic Savant and I have always struggled with extreme neurodiversity (score of 205 on the Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) - average ASD female is roughly 162).
My main differences are extreme visual thinking / photographic memory, various forms of synesthesia, alexithymia, dyslexia, PTSD and cPTSD, various detachment and dissociative impairments (inability to connect / attach to people and animals). Physically my greatest issues are EDS and POTS as is common within the autistic community.

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