
Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in October 2019

Ozzy Man Reviews: WTF Happened in October 2019 Here's me commentary on WTF Happened in October 2019. Find out more about #TeamTrees:

SOURCE Videos:

NASA new space suits

Bulbous Tyre

Bird talk to rabbit statue

VB truck:

Gaga fall:

Sport climbing record:

Irish grandpa:

Hugh Jackman goes full wolverine:

Airport runaway cart:

Tree struck by lightening


ozzy man reviews,ozzy,man,ozzie,aussie,reviews,recap,wtf happened,october,october 2019,lady gaga,stage fall,nasa new suits,spacesuits,hugh jackman,wolverine,stage,fan,bird and rabbit,stone rabbit,irish grandpa,technology,speed climb record,sport,funny,hilarious,

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