
Overcoming the Myths of Inbound, Influencers and Social Media Marketing to Actually Get Results

Overcoming the Myths of Inbound, Influencers and Social Media Marketing to Actually Get Results In this video, ATAK CMO, Austin LaRoche identifies the 4 biggest myths that caught B2B businesses off guard in the 2010s, shows B2B marketers how to overcome them, and where B2B marketing is heading in the next decade.

With that, here’s what you’ll learn in today’s video:

In Part One, Austin explains the four myths that steered B2B businesses off course in the 2010s.

First, you’ll learn how marketers were misled by the belief that if you post it, they will come. Second, you’ll see how social media ended up being of least importance to B2B businesses' overall content marketing successes. Third, Austin will dispel the belief that working with influencers will drive results. Finally, he wraps up by explaining the reality that Google and Facebook have made it harder and harder for B2B companies to reach their customers.

In Part Two, you will learn where B2B marketing is headed in the 2020s.

In order to succeed, B2B marketers will need to be laser-focused in the new decade if they want their work to drive results. It will be important to lead and persuade with a point of view, pinpoint a business's target audience, support sales, and focus their efforts around growth and growing their business.

Finally, in Part Three, you’ll learn how the Purposeful Marketing Method can help laser focus B2B marketers identify and address obstacles standing in the way of their marketing efforts, develop a coherent and targeted brand identity and message, and analyze their audience and data to direct their marketing endeavors and build Marketing to Sales (M2S) maps.

To wrap things up, you’ll learn how to follow through and execute on your M2S maps and track, measure, and improve on data to optimize and produce results.

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