
No Hassle internal cable routing trick vid 01

No Hassle internal cable routing trick vid 01 Internal Cable Routing Technique 01

I’m going to show you guys the quick and easy way to work
on a bike with internal cable routing, whether you are replacing
and entire inner wire, or you just need to pull an inner wire
out to perform a task and then reinstall it.
Ah, in this case, we’re are going to be replacing this inner wire
that was damaged in a bit of an accident.
Now, you never want to pull one of these inner wires out of
a bike that’s internal cable routed. You might never get it back in.
What you need is you need a piece of this, which is a little
bit of inner cable sleeve (a.k.a liner) that we’re going to put
inside the frame and make our lives really easy.
Now, where do you get these. Easy. You just need is get some
Shimano or Sram housing and strip it of the outer casing.
And what it’s going to do is it’s going to expose these parallel
strands that give it strength and keep it from compressing
while you’re shifting.
And then inside of here you’ll notice there’s this little housing.
So, if you strip off a big enough piece you can get a really long
one that is nice a pre-lubricated, and is perfect for
the job at hand.
So once you’ve pulled the inner cable loose from its clamp, and
go ahead and pull this little section off.
You’re left with the strand. Now, you might need to cut it back
a bit if it’s been damaged.
Just like that.
And then…and then, simply put the inner sleeve over the inner
wire, and then feed it down over the wire.
Now you notice I’m not pushing the wire back into the frame,
right there, alright, I’m just pushing this down over it, feeding
it in as far as I can.
And then now I’ve run into, probably this stop over here.
All you need to do is grab a pair of pliers like this.
You can, this is translucent, or transparent, so you can see
inside of here, just like that.
And I will just…I’m not trying to cut it or anything, I’m just going
to grip it and crimp it up against the inner cable.
And then I’m going to go here to the cable, the inner wire itself,
and I’m just going to give it a little tug.
See that? Comes right through.
Right through just like that.
Now I can pull this inner wire out, and it will be no problem
to fish a new one right in there.
Simple as can be.
You can make this as long as you want.
You can go from here, all the way to here as long as you ride
on that cable.
Now, if this happens to want to start pushing in, all you have
to do is---if you can’t push this in over it any further and it
wants to push the wire in---that’s when you start pulling the
wire in as you are feeding this in, and it will carry it all the way to
the headtube if necessary.
So there you go; quick, easy, headache free.
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Infinitely Faster.


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