
Michael Behe Answers Hard Questions: What do you think of the idea of common descent?

Michael Behe Answers Hard Questions: What do you think of the idea of common descent? Since he first shook up the science world with his groundbreaking book Darwin's Black Box, biologist Michael Behe has been fielding questions about intelligent design and evolution from scientists and non-scientists alike. Questions posed to Behe over the years since have ranged from technical to general, from philosophical to critical. Now, as we make his first online course publicly available, Micheal Behe Investigates Intelligent Design & Evolution, he will share his answers to the most often asked.

Now for the first time ever you can join renowned biochemist Michael Behe, author of the bestselling Darwin's Black Box, as he investigates the amazing evidence in biology for intelligent design and the growing evidence that challenges the modern theory of biological evolution known as Neo-Darwinism. Check out the first lecture in the online course now for free! and learn more about the course at

In 41 short and engaging video lectures, Behe tackles explores ranging from the history of biology to the latest biological discoveries. Each video lecture is accompanied by a short quiz, and a special digital certificate of completion is offered for those who finish the course.

If you're a fan of Dr. Behe don't miss these other videos:

Michael Behe: Up Close and Personal -

Michael Behe Exposes How Mutations Fail To Invent (Science Uprising EP6) -

Michael Behe: Makings of a Revolutionary -

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science,philosophy,biology,evolution,Darwinism,neo-Darwinism,human origins,science and faith,intelligent design,Discovery Institute,Charles Darwin,biologic institute,icons of evolution,darwin's doubt,Stephen Meyer,Jonathan Wells,Douglas,Axe,Evolution News & Views,Michael Behe,William Dembski,John West,Jay W. Richards,Darwin Day in America,Darwin's Black Box,Privileged Planet,

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