
Join The A.V. Club as we remember the best (and weirdest) TV of the 2010s

Join The A.V. Club as we remember the best (and weirdest) TV of the 2010s As part of The A.V. Club’s continuing retrospective on the best, most significant pop culture of the decade, today we’re premiering I Remember The ’10s, a five-part video series where The A.V. Club staff (and a few special guests) reflect on the stand-out pop culture from the 2010s.

Yesterday, we ran down our list of the best television shows of the decade, which reflected the deluge of great television shows to air in the 2010s—not to mention the overabundance of streaming options on which to watch them. You’ll encounter some of those shows in this first installment of I Remember The ’10s, alongside our memories of major TV shockers like the end of Lost, the truth about How I Met Your Mother, and the 2010s’ most devastating wedding-related occurrence that didn’t involve How I Met Your Mother.



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