
How to find a recipe and modify it

How to find a recipe and modify it Hi,

Welcome back to my channel. Today's video is kind of long, but I wanted to show y'all what I do and how I pick and modify a recipe.

I mentioned that I usually search for or pick vegan/vegeitrian recipes because they tend to have more vegetables than other recipes but sometimes that is not true. You can always add frozen veggies to any type of meal, it usually takes 5 minutes to heat in the microwave!

I typically use giner paste, and garlic paste but I do use garlic or ginger powder depending on the recipe and what I have in my kitchen.

Pinterest has been the best resource for me, when it comes to finding recipes that I enjoy eating and making. There are tons of options, and you can always add more or less to a recipe that you want to make.

This process can be overwhelming, and a lot of work at first. Take it one step at a time, and search for recipes and meals that you enjoy eating.

Don't forget to follow me on IG:

Have a wonderful week and I'll see y'all next week!

Intuitive Eating,Health at every size,body liberation,weight neutral,weight inclusive,recipes,easy recipes,non-diet,recipe modifications,

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