
From Doomer to (almost*) Bloomer | Meditating Every Day for 3 Months

From Doomer to (almost*) Bloomer | Meditating Every Day for 3 Months Last summer I decided to commit to a daily meditation practise. This video is a personal reflection (vlog meets documentary) on my the past 3 months of daily Vipassana meditation and my transformation from a Doomer to a (*almost) Bloomer- still have work to do.

I know this video has been done before on YouTube (and done very well, might I say) by creators like Matt D’Avella and Nathaniel Drew, but my goal with this video is to add new information, nuance, and depth to the conversation. How? By interviewing meditation practitioners from the academic community.

In addition to my own personal reflections, this video contains interviews with John Vervaeke, Professor and Producer of the ‘Awakening From the Meaning Crisis’ series on YouTube as well as Ronald Purser, Professor and author of the book, McMindfulness.

In the interviews John and Ronald talk about what mindfulness is, what it isn’t, how it can help us find meaning, while providing practical tips and suggestions.

I definitely recommend checking out John’s YouTube Series here:

And Ron’s book, McMindfulness.

Meditating 1 hour a day,from doomer to bloomer,Doomer vs bloomer,Meditation and the bloomer,Who is bloomer,Matt D’Avella Meditation,Meditation Sam Harris,Who is the Doomer,Meditation changing my life,Life changing habits,Nathaniel Drew Meditation,John Vervaeke interview meditation,The meaning crisis,Awakening from the meaning crisis,McMindfulness Ronald Purser Interview,meditation,The danger of meditation apps,Male suicide,John Vervaeke Jordan Peterson,

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