
Ep 18: Long way to get Intellectual Greencard part1: Student visa types in the USA

Ep 18: Long way to get Intellectual Greencard part1: Student visa types in the USA Hi. This video is just for practicing English speaking only, so please forgive all my grammar and pronunciation mistakes. I am not a lawyers, so please don't quote my words.
Here are all reference links that may be helpful for you if you want to know about US student visa types and their related rules.

There are a small detail that I spoke incorrectly in this video. When I gave example about using more than 12 months of CPT, I should have said using 24 months instead of 20 months. It means that if you already using 24 months of CPT, you cannot apply for OPT. Since OPT basic (before extension) just have only 12 months. If you use 12 months more than 12 months of CPT, you won't have any more time to apply for OPT. I hope my correction is clear now.
Thanks a lot for watching and here are all reference links

greencard,du học sinh Mỹ,học tập tại Mỹ,cuộc sống ở Mỹ,Anh Le,freetalk,student visa,làm việc ở Mỹ,làm thêm ở Mỹ,vlog,working in the USA,studying in the USA,

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