
Energy Contraptions in Pre AP Science 9

Energy Contraptions in Pre AP Science 9 The Pre AP Science 9 class, taught by Kimberly Truchan, recently completed an exercise where students split into groups and designed, built and assembled energy contraptions. The devices needed to fit on a table top and could only be put together during class time. The students had about four days to get them in working order.

The contraptions needed to have at least seven minimum energy conversions (heat, gravity, chemical, mechanical) and the use of at least three simple machines (inclined plane, wheel, lever, pulley, etc.)

The contraptions worked on the first time for some ... while others may have needed a little prodding.

Pre AP Science 9 is a lab-based science course designed to provide the accelerated freshman science student with an intense experience in the concepts and lab skills associated with biology, chemistry, earth science, and physics. This will facilitate success in the Advanced Placement (AP) science courses offered at WSHS. Laboratory confidence, independent thinking and critical thinking skills will provide students the path to higher level AP courses. After successful completion of the Pre-AP Science 9 course, students will be prepared to take AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, and AP Environmental Science in grades 10-12.


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