
Deliberate Implosion of Financial System being Engineered to kick-start new Financial System

Deliberate Implosion of Financial System being Engineered to kick-start new Financial System Deliberate Implosion of Financial System being Engineered to kick-start new Financial System
A bigger than Lehman Brothers collapse of the financial system is being engineered in order to make way for a new financial system, Asian secret society sources say. Recent trends in financial markets, notably a stock market bubble of biblical proportions, back up this assertion. Any financial veteran will tell you that when financial markets fight against reality, reality always wins in the end. This means stock prices could fall by 90% or more.

However, in a sign the financial war is not yet over, European royals disagree, saying, “All of the world’s investment banks have begun to migrate away from the old system, so it is just a matter of time before it seamlessly or frictionlessly just morphs from the old to the new.”

This may work for payment systems, ATMs, and credit cards, etc., but not for the Western system of Babylonian debt slavery as a whole. This system has resulted in the top 1% owning 53.2% of all stocks and mutual funds, and if you add in the next 9%, the rich control 93.2%, leaving the remaining 90% with just 6.8%. Further proof that this is a system of debt slavery comes from the fact the bottom 90% of the people owe 72.4% of all the debt.
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