
Cats vs Wall of Toilet Paper

Cats vs Wall of Toilet Paper We made walls out of toilet paper like top star Catpusic. Our cat Cheetahs and Kantes, in turn, ran over the toilet paper wall. Move one block one space and continued the game. How high can Cheetah and Kant jump? And who will be the cat that does the victory ceremony?

❣️p r o f i l e
이름 : 칸트 (Kant)
성별 : 남 (male)
묘종 : 노르웨이숲

❣️p r o f i l e
이름 : 치타 (Cheetah)
성별 : 남 (male)
묘종 : 아비시니안

Cat vs Wall of Toilet Paper,Cat vs Wall,cat,고양이 대 벽,고양이 vs 벽,고양이,고양이 벽,cat & wall,고양이들,cats vs wall,cats vs wall of toilet paper,

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