
Are Angels Real: What are Angels & And Why Do they Exist

Are Angels Real: What are Angels & And Why Do they Exist Are Angels Real? Yes, they are. let me explain. Angels are beings of the highest light, they are at the 11th dimension but they also reside at ever other dimensions as angels have the responsibility to uphold the creation of god. angels work on a hierarchal level. from the seraphim and the thrones at the 11 dimensions to the lower angels and cherubs at the lower dimensions to support and uphold the creation of god. you can indeed perceive them as the governers and supporters of life. their not the creators of life themselves as that would be the source which is residing at the 12 dimensions but rather they carry out the duties and obligation of the source. for instance, the seraphim are responsible for emitting frequencies of harmony and flow for life to continue progressing. as they reside next to source and sing their songs of creation they allow us all to pick up and understand the frequencies of the source and our connection to source. had it not been for these angels we humans would simply fall lower and lower in consciousness. do keep in mind that there are fallen angels that are also singing their songs. as I said earlier angels are light beings and well what is light? simply put light is information. there is information of light and there is information of darkness. whereas the information of light promotes life and unity the opposing information of darkness is rather promoting death and separation, and that's just what these angels are, there carries of light information or dark information. now I'm not saying that one is bad or one is good as that alone is thought rooting from separation. I do explain more about angels and go more in-depth with my video


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