
10 Minutes with John Carver - 'Another Way'

10 Minutes with John Carver - 'Another Way' “10-Minutes with John Carver - "Another Way"

In 2015, we started a Cable TV Program called “That’s Life with John Carver.” The episodes, thanks to an amazing team and Cable TV stations that believe in our programs, have been shared in 1.7 MILLION homes EACH WEEK. As of August 2019 we have taped 163 episodes.

Now, I pulled 10-Minutes from specific episodes to share with you in what we are calling “10-Minutes with John Carver.”

This episode of “10-Minutes with John Carver” is from our episode called “Another Way."

On the Cable TV programs I share stories and, real life, examples about my own life and areas where I am struggling and what I have learned from other people. I hope you pick up an idea or two that will help you in your life.

Also, since 2009 I have sent out a weekly inspirational and motivational email that reached thousands of people around the world. The, weekly, emails are designed to challenge you and stretch you to reach your goals and dreams in life.

I will let you in on a little secret. The weekly emails started when my daughter, Juliana, fought and beat cancer for the first time. I decided, at the time, to take some of my pain of watching her fight so hard to beat cancer, and lift others up while helping me at the same time. I had no idea the cancer would come back SEVEN MORE TIMES.

Here are two links to give you an example of the weekly emails:

If you would like to receive my weekly emails please use this link to sign up.

One idea…one story could change your life in an amazing ways.

John W. Carver, LUTCF – Email

"I'm not a giver-upper. Whining is for babies." Juliana Carver


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