
This is what you can eat in a day, YOU DECIDE

This is what you can eat in a day, YOU DECIDE This is what you can eat in a day, YOU DECIDE
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This is what you can eat in a day, YOU DECIDE

Let’s just look at a normal day:
Breakfast, cereals which are 115 calories per serving, which is always easily doubled so 230 calories. The milk another 100/150. The slices of bread another 200. Chocolate or peanut butter related? another 200 calories. The drink is milk or orange juice so another 100/150 calories.

Lunch, sandwich or anything you buy at school, work, gas station, or anything lunch is around 500 calories. The soda another 100 calories. if you add a salad you bought or something else like fries another 500.

Dinner, mostly 600 calories + a soda (probably more than one) + ice another 200/300. and this is a very light dinner for some.

Snacks, for some this adds only a few hundred calories. But for most this adds another 500-800 calories. and again this could be very light for some.

So a normal day? Around 3500 calories, maybe a little lower for some people but for some a lot higher as well.

This obviously isn't the most optimal diet. Like we all know, it's not healthy bla bla bla. But what diet do you choose then?

There are a lot of different diets out there and there are supporters and haters, so it’s hard to tell which one is the right one. Honestly, I think almost all of the diets have some really good points.. and some bad ones. So it’s completely up to you to follow the one you think is best.

Let's look at another diet:
Meal 1: oats and almond milk and some fruit
Meal 2: eggs, vegetables.
Meal 3: Rice, chicken and broccoli
Snack? protein shake and some more fruit. Protein bar you name it.

This is a very strict diet, with enough calories and the right macros and micros. But, that’s not entirely necessary to just live a little healthier, if that’s the goal.

This video isn’t to tell you to eat this strict diet or you are a failure, no.

We want you to just think a little bit more about what you put in your body all the time, and maybe just maybe try out some new stuff, and see how you like it. No need for a 100% strict and clean diet, but it’s an important topic and we are a 100% sure you can find great foods that you love and make you feel a lot better than the empty calories.

We hope you enjoyed this video and
Keep us updated on your journey in the comments below.

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