
Simple Credit Repair Deletes Bankruptcies, Mortgage Lates, Collections, Judgements, Charge-Offs

Simple Credit Repair Deletes Bankruptcies, Mortgage Lates,  Collections, Judgements, Charge-Offs Bad credit sucks! Having bad credit WILL costs you tens of thousands of dollars in wasted money. It’s going to hit you on cars, homes, insurance, and even ruin your chances of getting some jobs.

If your scores are low, it will definitely make life harder and more expensive.

That is why we built Simple Credit Repair. We have a very unique program that MAKES the credit bureaus delete your bad credit. We can delete anything. Even Bankruptcies, Mortgage Lates, Collections, Charge-Offs and Student Loans.

Which means that we show our customers how to get their credit scores up – often- well over a hundred points very quickly.

We are even so confident in the quality of our program that we give you a money back warranty.

That way you can put the bad times behind you and move on with your life. And we will make it happen.

When you enroll in the Simple Credit Repair Restoration program, we are immediately going to send demand letters to every creditor on your credit report AND the credit bureaus themselves. We are actually going to fight with both of them on your behalf. That way we get the best results.

For every negative account on your credit report, there is a very specific set of documentation that both the Creditor and Credit Bureau have to be able to provide. If they can’t provide ALL OF THEM the law says they must delete it.

Depending on the type of account and whether it’s the creditor or the credit bureau, there is anywhere from 6 to 10 items they must be able to provide.

They have to be able to prove that you opened the account. Prove who owns it today, Prove that it’s correct. Plus various other things.

Well, what we do is ask for that documentation in a very special way. With the way that we do it, we have never gotten the documents on any client – ever. Which is over 15,000 clients.

Once they do not provide the documents, they are then in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Which is the Federal law written in the 70’s to protect you from bad reporting.

These violations bear files of up to $10,000 per item and possible costly audits. So, once they do not provide the items, we point out the various chapters of the Act they are in violation of.

As well as remind them of the potential penalties while demanding that they delete the bad items. If necessary, we will also demonstrate that we know how to files complaints with the Attorney General, Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

And that is how we get our industry leading success rates. Once they have violated the law, on average we delete about 40% of our clients’ bad credit on the first demand. Which is very high.

Then, on average, we delete ANOTHER 19.8% on the 2nd round and another 15% on the 3rd. These are our 5 year averages across all clients and all account types.

We just want to get your credit fixed. So we do what we can to make the program affordable for you.

We have 2 programs to fit all needs.


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