In this video I will tell you all the ncert maths class 10 important questions 2020 and very very most important questions – VVI of chapter 9 – SOME APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY for CBSE Board Exam 2020 (Maths Class 10th). I have carefully selected all of these maths important questions after studying last 10 years board exam mathematics papers. I have also considered the syllabus, blue print and exam pattern of CBSE Board Exam 2020 (NCERT books) for class 10th. For many of important questions for class 10 ncert you just need putting formulas in the problems and you get the answer solutions. If you have finished your syllabus then you can revise along with these V.V.I. questions and they will help you. If you have not completed your book till now then you can prepare only these important questions for class 10 ncert math and you can get good marks too! These important questions of maths for class 10 are also helpful for RBSE (Rajasthan Board), ICSE, UP Board, Other State Boards for both Hindi Medium and English Medium.
I am SR Choudhary, an NIT engineering graduate (MNIT) and have been teaching Maths for foundation, 11th, 12th, IIT JEE for last 5 years.
इस विडियो में मैथ्स 10th (2020) के Important questions चैप्टर 9 – SOME APPLICATIONS OF TRIGONOMETRY और Very Very Most Important Questions, Examples और Theorems (CBSE/NCERT) बताएं गए हैं. ये सवाल मैंने पिछले 10 साल के Board Paper देख कर तथा इस बार का CBSE Board Exam Pattern 2020 और Blue Print देखकर बताए है। इन प्रश्नो की Exam में आने की संभावना पूरी पूरी है। इसके लिए आपको इस विडियो को लास्ट तक देखना है।
इस विडियो को देखने के बाद, जो स्टूडेंट इंटेलिजेंट हैं, उनके नंबर में और भी ज्यादा इम्प्रोवेमेंट होगा और जो स्टूडेंट अभी तक अच्छी तरह से तैय्यारी नहीं कर पाये हैं वो भी इन सवालो की Concept को समझ कर अच्छे marks ला सकते हैं। आप इस विडियो को देखते समय किसी भी टाइम पर रोक कर स्क्रीनशॉट ले सकते हैं या फिर अपनी book में (विडियो देखते टाइम) टिक लगा सकते हैं. आप मेरे "Toppers Village" फेसबुक पेज और ग्रुप एवं Instagram account में भी ये Important सवाल देख सकते हैं।
लिंक है: पेज: ग्रुप: Instagram : आप मेरे द्वारा बनाए गए पूरे course और chapter wise most important questions नीचे दी गयी लिंक्स पर भी देख सकते है। अगर आपको किसी Topic या Question में दिक्कत आ रही है तो आप मेरे चैनल को Subscribe करके मेरे द्वारा बनाए गए किसी भी विडियो के कोममेंट्स में अपना सवाल लिख दीजिये। मैं उस topic/chapter/question/problem पर विडियो बना दूँगा!
1) Link for complete revision of maths class 10 (chapter wise):
2) Link for All Important Questions CBSE Maths 10th 2019(Chapter Wise):
3) Full playlist for NCERT/CBSE Class 10 Maths Solutions:
4) Please SUBSCRIBE "Toppers Village" and PRESS BELL ICON for Full Classes Series (10th Maths NCERT / CBSE / RBSE / UP Board / State Boards) with Solutions in Hindi
5) FB Page:
6) Instagram :
Quick Links for Chapter wise Playlists: (Maths 10, CBSE)
Chapter 1. Real Numbers:
Chapter 2. Polynomials:
Chapter 3. Pair of Linear Equations in 2 Variables:
Chapter 4. Quadratic Equations:
Chapter 5. Arithmetic Progressions:
Chapter 6. Triangles:
Chapter 7. Coordinate Geometry:
Chapter 8. Introduction to Trigonometry:
Chapter 9. Some Applications of Trigonometry:
Chapter 10. Circles:
Chapter 11. Constructions:
Chapter 12. Area Related to Circles:
Chapter 13. Surface Areas and Volumes:
Chapter 14. Statistics:
Chapter 15. Probability:
You can also do revision with short tricks for fast solutions of the mathematical problems as given in these lectures.
All classes are Free and Quick with Simple Methods explained in Hindi.
Videos are placed chapter wise with easy and simple solutions in Hindi/English medium.
Free online maths tuition classes for NCERT 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th (with foundation course and other competitive exams) are being uploaded regularly!
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