
Kashmir Srinagar. Narendra Modi, the reason for your cruelty is that you are afraid.

Kashmir Srinagar. Narendra Modi, the reason for your cruelty is that you are afraid. Narendra Modi, the reason for your cruelty, because you are afraid that your people will overthrow you. You yourself know why! When you were in the ranks of RSS, you yourself opposed the government, you personally participated in the demonstrations, and then you went underground and hid so that you would not be arrested until you became the main minister of Gujarat, and after the prime minister. That’s why you act so cruelly with the Kashmiris, because they are against you, you are afraid of them, therefore you put several thousand people in jail, who are against you, therefore you surrounded Kashmir Srinagar with barbed wire, therefore you isolated them from the whole world, therefore you disconnected mobile communications. These are your words: “Development and good governance are our goal.” And where is good governance? What is this expressed ???? to surround Kashmiris with barbed wire and isolate them from the whole world ???? I cannot say anything about development, because your great merit is in the economic growth in Gujarat. But at the expense of good governance, this is not true. Good governance is that you need to manage well everywhere the same way in your own country. It doesn’t matter if it’s other states in India or Jammu and Kashmir, for you there should not be a difference between Hindu and Muslims, you should treat everyone the same. But you do not protect Indian Muslims, at the moment you have been cruel to them for 70 days, and this has often happened before. What can we say about ordinary people of Kashmiri, if you have been cruel to your wife from the age of 18, you even torment your poor woman, Yashodaben Chimanalal. And she was just the poor thing, all the years waiting for you to return to her, and you will live together. you are 46 years from everyone hiding that you are married! it is terribly cruel to your wife. You admitted that you were married only when you nominated for the parliamentary elections in 2014, because you had to show that you are a family man. Yes, of course, from the seller of tea you became the prime minister, it is a great honor to you, not everyone can. But you are unfair, you are ready to step over the heads of Kashmiris, for the sake of your power. You only need power, and you don’t give a damn about the rest.
That's why you are so cruel! You are simply afraid that people will be against you and will be overthrown from the government, because you yourself were against the government in the past. Narendra Modi, you must be fair, because you are the prime minister, you must be an example for your people, and Kashmiris are your people, they are citizens of India, you must protect them! then you will have nothing to fear, and then you will not be a cruel prime minister, but a respected prime minister! you turn on mobile communications in Kashmir Srinagar and the Internet in Kashmir. I'm sorry that I touched your personal one, I know that your personal relationship in your family is your personal one, I didn’t want to, I’m just a woman who you also separate from communicating with loved ones, because I don’t have the strength to wait when you turn on mobile communication in Srinagar, because I think days, hours, minutes, seconds. Already 70 days !!!! You yourself force all this to write. I don’t set anyone against you, I didn’t know about your existence before this incident, and I still wouldn’t know 100 years. I only need the inclusion of mobile communications !!! You turn on mobile communications in Kashmir Srinagar and the Internet in Kashmir!


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