
Jacob Rees-Mogg makes your day: winter time, summer time and a Somerset time zone - 2012 debate

Jacob Rees-Mogg makes your day: winter time, summer time and a Somerset time zone - 2012 debate The clocks went back overnight, as we revert back to winter time from summer time. The good news was we got a whole extra hour in bed - or an extra hour of Saturday night partying, depending on your priorities.

The time change was first introduced by Germany and Austria during World War I, as a way to save coal and Britain and the allies quickly followed suit.

Many other countries adopted the idea in the 1970s during the energy crisis. Not all countries have the time change as those near the equator don’t see significant change to their daylight to warrant the move.

A daylight savings debate is already going on for years and years.

And there's even more...

Back in 2012, Jacob Rees-Mogg suggested Somerset should have its own time zone, with its clocks running up to 15 minutes behind the rest of the United Kingdom.

He said this was the practice before times were standardised in the 1840s. Before the 1840s, times were set locally across the country, often by churches, based on the position of the sun.



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