
Danielle Sepulveres Part 1 of 2: HPV Tried to Wreck My Life, But I Learned How to Fight Back!

Danielle Sepulveres Part 1 of 2: HPV Tried to Wreck My Life, But I Learned How to Fight Back! Certain types of high-risk Human Papillomavirus (HPV) are the known cause of almost all cases of cervical cancer. When I tested positive for HPV, unlike most women, my body didn’t clear it right away, and I was dealing with a diagnosis of cervical pre-cancer. Thankfully, after multiple procedures, my healthcare provider was able to remove the pre-cancerous cells, and my persistent HPV infection was stopped from causing more damage. But along the way, I also experienced the stigma from having this specific diagnosis, and I’m here to say “Let’s end the blame and shame game when it comes to HPV…if it can happen to me, it can happen to you or anyone”. I’m thankful I knew my risk for cervical cancer, before it turned into something more serious.
Danielle Sepulveres, NYC based freelance writer for women’s health, pop culture and relationships, Author of “The Semi-Scandalous Story of an Ex-Virgin”, HPV #cervivor, and HUGE baseball fan.

: hrHPV,high-risk Human Papillomavirus,HPV,cervical cancer,cervical pre-cancer abnormal PAP,Pap cytology,Danielle Sepulveres,cervical cancer prevention,HPV test,

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